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Parent ally orientation 

When a child is placed in state custody and is part of child in need of care hearings in court, parents can designate up to two people to serve as parent allies to the child or children involved.

To be a parent ally, a person must complete a parent ally orientation program approved by the judicial administrator. 

The orientation covers:

  • confidentiality of proceedings;

  • the child and parent's right to counsel;

  • definitions and jurisdiction of the Kansas code for care of children;

  • the types and purposes of the hearings;

  • options for informal supervision and dispositions;

  • placement options;

  • the parents' obligation to financially support the child while the child is in the state's custody;

  • obligations of the Kansas Department for Children and Families;

  • obligations of organizations contracting with the Kansas Department for Children and Families for family preservation, foster care, and adoption;

  • the termination of parental rights;

  • the procedures for appeals; and

  • the basic rules of court procedure.


Orientation program

The Office of Judicial Administration developed this online orientation for judicial districts to use for parent allies. The orientation introduces allies to the child in need of care process, and it covers confidentiality requirements, placement options, what parent allies can and can’t do, and more.

To complete the orientation:

You will receive your certificate in five to seven days after submitting the form.



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