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Faith Rivera, et al, Tom Alonzo, et al, Susan Frick, et al, appellees v Scott Schwab, Secretary of State, and Michael Abbott, Wyandotte County Election Commissioner, and Jamie Shew, Douglas County Clerk

In the Supreme Court of Kansas

No. 125,092

Faith Rivera, Diosselyn Tot-Velasquez, Kimberly Weaver, Paris Raite, Donnavan Dillon, and Loud Light, plaintiffs-appellees,

Tom Alonzo, Sharon Al-Uqdah, Amy Carter, Connie Brown Collins, Sheyvette Dinkens, Melinda Lavon, Ana Marcela Maldonado Morales, Liz Meitl, Richard Nobles, Rose Schwab, and Anna White, plaintiffs-appellees

Susan Frick, Lauren Sullivan, Darrell Lea, and Susan Spring Schieffelbein, plaintiffs-appellees


Scott Schwab, in his official capacity as Kansas Secretary of State, and Michael Abbott, in his official capacity as Election Commissioner of Wyandotte County, Kansas, defendants-appellants

Jamie Shew, in his official capacity as Douglas County Clerk, defendant

News releases

Kansas Supreme Court files scheduling order in congressional districts case

Oral argument

Oral argument video


Order (Noted: Response to Motion for Rehearing by Appellants Schwab and Abbott)
Order Denying Motion for Rehearing
Joint Reply to the Response to the Motion for Rehearing
Motion for Rehearing
Supreme Court opinion (full)
Supreme Court opinion
Corrected Brief of Appellee, Susan Frick et al. in response to Amicus Kansas Legislative Coordinating Council
Order Granting Motion to File Corrected Brief
Motion to File Corrected Brief in response to Amicus Kansas Legislative Coordinating Council
Order (Plaintiffs-Appellees Joint Statement Regarding Oral Argument)
Plaintiffs-Appellees Joint Statement Regarding Oral Argument
Reply Brief of Appellants
Response to Legislative Coordinating Council's Brief of Amicus Curiae
Brief of Appellees, Rivera and Alonzo in response to Amicus Brief of Kansas Legislative Coordinating Council
Brief of Appellee, Susan Frick et al. in response to amicus Kansas Legislative Coordinating Council
Order (Noted: Notice of Intent Not to File A Brief by Appellee Jamie Shew)
Notice to Counsel
Order Granting Motion (admitting Curtis E. Woods as pro hac vice for Appellees Susan Frick, et al.)
Order Granting Motion (admitting Robert Stanton Jones as pro hac vice for Aples Tom Alonzo, et al.)
Brief of Amicus Curiae (Kansas Appleseed Center for Law and Justice in Support of Plaintiffs-Appellees)
Brief of Amicus Curiae (Legislative Coordinating Council in Support of Defendants-Appellants)
Order (Granting the Kansas Appleseed Center for Law and Justice, Inc.'s motion to file an Amicus Brief)
Order (Granting the Kansas Legislative Coordinating Council's motion to file an Amicus Brief)
Oral Argument Scheduling Order
Order (Notes Parties' Responses to Show Cause Order)
Brief of Rivera and Alonzo Plaintiff-Appellees
Brief of Appellees Susan Frick, et al.
Motion Pro Hac Vice for attorney Curtis E. Woods to assist Appellees Susan Frick, et al.
Notice of Intent not to file a brief by Appellee Jamie Shew
Joint Response by the Plaintiff/Appellees Rivera, et al., Alonzo, et al., and Frick, et al. to the Motion to file Amicus by the Legislative Coordinating Council
Motion to file Brief of Amicus Curiae (Kansas Appleseed Center for Law and Justice, Inc.)
Motion to file Brief Amicus Curiae (Kansas Legislative Coordinating Council)
Notice of Intent not to file a response to show cause order by Appellee Jamie Shew
Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice for Robert Stanton Jones on behalf of the Appellees Tom Alonzo, et. al
Response of Appellee's Susan Frick et al. to Show Cause Order
Rivera and Alonzo Plaintiffs-Appellees' joint notice of intent not to file a response to Show Cause Order
Brief of Appellants
Certificate of Service of Joint Appendix
Response to Show Cause Order
Joint Appendix
Motion Pro Hac Vice for Spencer W. Klein for Aples Faith Rivera, et al.
Motion Pro Hac Vice for Jonathan P. Hawley for Aples Faith Rivera, et al.
Motion Pro Hac Vice for Joseph Posimato for Aples Faith Rivera, et al.
Motion Pro Hac Vice for Lalitha D. Madduri for Aples Faith Rivera, et al.
Motion Pro Hac Vice for Abha Khanna for Aples Faith Rivera, et al.
Motion Pro Hac Vice for Jacob D. Miller for Appellees Faith Rivera, et al.
Corrected Motion Pro Hac Vice for Orion de Nevers
Corrected Motion Pro Hac Vice for Richard Samuel Horan
Corrected Motion Pro Hac Vice for Mark P. Gaber
Corrected Motion Pro Hac Vice for John A. Freedman
Corrected Motion Pro Hac Vice for Elisabeth S. Theodore
Order (pro hac vice: Graber, Theodore, Horan, Freeman, de Nevers)
Order Regarding Record on Appeal
Order Regarding Record on Appeal
Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice (Orion de Nevers for plaintiff-appellees)
Scheduling Order
Show Cause Order
Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice (Mark Gaber for plaintiff-appellees)
Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice (Elisabeth Theodore for plaintiff-appellees))
Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice (John Freedman for plaintiff-appellees)
Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice (Richard Samuel Horan for plaintiff-appellees)
Rivera and Alonzo Plaintiffs-Appellees' Joint Response to Defendants-Appellants' Motion to Expedite
Rivera and Alonzo Plaintiffs-Appellees' Joint Response to Defendants-Appellants' Motion Regarding Record on Appeal
Order (appellant motion to expedite and motion regarding record on appeal)
Motion Regarding Record on Appeal
Motion to Expedite
Notice That No Transcript is Required
Memorandum Decision and Order
Notice of Appeal
Docketing Statement
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